Posts tagged ‘impressive’

March 7, 2011

Alice in Wonderland Cupcakes

I just saw someone else had posted some ice-cream cupcakes so I thought I’d show you a selection of cupcakes me and my sister made for an Alice in Wonderland party two years ago.

These, obviously, aren’t very Alice but we wanted lots of weird and wonderful food. Ice-cream cupcakes are so easy to make and people are always impressed!

The ones in the picture are simply basic cake mix, about half fill each cone. Then a good dollop of butter cream topped with sprinkles!

I think if i was going to make them again I would definitely put some treats in the cone i.e chocolate or marshmallows! Because it would melt it would certainly make a great surprise. We found these were deceptively large! And plain cake and cone can be very boring…

We also made our own lemonade and used drink me labels, bought lots of brightly coloured sweets and made a rabbit shaped jelly (which soon became vodka jelly once my friends got hold of it).

As well as these cute little cupcakes…